Savannah 09/15/23

There was a lot of resistance to get down here to Savannah this time. I locked myself out of my apartment taking out the trash at 4 am the morning of my departure, I was trying to leave at 7:30 to get my van rental. I ended up sleeping on the curb until 6:45 until another tenant started their day and let me in… ended up not getting the van until 11, got to the venue a little late, didn’t have time to prepare my dj set… so I just I improvised the whole thing lol it’s what it is…

Ever feel like your trudging through sand? Sometimes things flow and sometimes they… well don’t. Sometimes you just have to move forward despite how you feel… if anything starting my business has taught me is not to just tolerate mundane tasks and constant problem solving, but to welcome them as a part of the process as necessary experiences for my personal growth. It is learning how to execute when it doesn’t “feel” Right that separates the cream From Crop… because the real truth is that it’s hard for just about everyone and it’s about how willing each person is to commit to the process.

What Else is crazy is that on the way down here I experienced another double rainbow on the highway. I’ve only experienced now 2 double rainbows in my whole life… one on the last day I was in Savannah last time… and the second on my way this time… what does it all mean??!! Lol.

Anyways I’m very happy to be here. I’m taking risks… betting on myself. Constant growth. Tunnel vision! Music is the next piece of the puzzle. I’m getting up at sunrise tomorrow to shoot a set on the dock. I’m thinking about the mornings now… to be able to meet the light and the awakening of each new day. I’ve always hated early mornings but part of me know wants to wake up with the rest of earth.

Very thankful today
