the cheese

Tonight I was asked what the goal of my life was. If I were to ask you this what would you immediately think of? I know my first thoughts were about the things we dream of acquiring - money, relationships, experiences, materials like a house or a car.

but lately I’ve been taking time to think about this question. Really actually think hard about it. Because what is the goal of my life? Is it to reach the top? Is it to get rich? Is it to acquire the right labels? To Make you like me? what is it?

sometimes I feel like a mouse in a maze, chasing the scent of this far off time and place… an ideal…presented and sold to me since I was very young… The scent is so faint yet ever-present, whispering to me “just a little further and you will find it…just around the next corner…you will find it.” Yet, it has always seemed that every time I’ve seemed to discover or achieve the goal, it has eluded me all the same. Just a scent. Felt but never seen. And impossible to hold.

Here I am, a mouse, striving to decipher this maze, to obtain the prize that awaits me…now beginning to wonder if there ever was a piece of cheese there in the first place. The goal. What is this goal?

The goal of my life. What would it even be like to touch that? Is there ever a moment to feel like you’ve made it?

3 years ago I wouldn’t believe what my life has become today, yet I’ve found a chilling sobriety in achieving my dreams. The cheese was never there, and in the end, obtaining what I’ve always thought would validate me…what I once thought of as my arrival…has turned out to be just the beginning. The beginning of a journey inward.

The goal. What is the goal?