I’m not sure who else feels this way but there is a certain kind of misery that comes with indecision… It’s like different when you don’t know what you want versus when you do know what you want. Like… its worse if you know what you want and dont go for it cause then you don’t have the excuse of not knowing what you want…

There is a certain void that comes with achieving certain things as they only open more questions for me. Things that we are pursuing on our daily basis, that we are told we need…only to find that that’s not really it. I guess this is all part of the growth process in life… trying to find out what we’re really here to do and what really matters at the end of the day… and it’s not what’s going on out here I don’t think.


Today I am 16 days sober of drugs and alcohol. I am going through such a deep transformation. I will look back on this time of my life as the moment that I knew exactly which direction to go. I realized that in life, it’s no one’s responsibility to tell you what you want to do. This is work of the soul, this is the great work of life, and it’s up to each person to be honest with themselves and to make a conscious decision on who they want to be. When you’re young you think that you’ll wake up one day and be who you want to be, but that’s just not the truth… You have to work to get there. You need to find the path for yourself. For the most part, culture, media and your “friends” cannot help you.

I don’t know why it is this time for me, it just is. I felt like I needed to quit drinking and smoking because I needed to admit that these patterns in life were putting me in a fog, acting as obstacles in between myself and who I dream to become in deepest part of my soul. I stopped justifying my actions based on my environment and my peers and made a decision for myself. I feel like I have something to prove to myself, that I can be and do anything I set my mind to no matter that anyone else thinks. I am accepting my life’s call. I know who I want to be and though i do not know the details, I know exactly what I need to do to get there.

I felt sad today because I went to pray for the first time in a long time and realized I didn’t know who I was praying to. I used to think I did but I’m not so sure now.

I felt faithless. Then through a series of divine points I found faith again through the form of forgiveness. Someone gave me a light. It showed me how hard I’ve been on myself for a time now. Feeling like I needed to have it all figured out and to be perfect. It’s something that’s hard to see sometimes because I’m myself on here when I write and do things online, but I’m my inward life I still fear being imperfect so much.

Life without love is a cold place. I’m seeing we can hold that light on within ourselves, but sometimes it’s better when someone can hold it for you.


My show is in exactly one month. I’m feeling both extremely excited and extremely stressed out. I have bitten off a healthy mission to accomplish, combining my tattoo work, paining work, and fashion. In my recent sessions, I have been finding such a deep place within myself - a mindstate, a meditative place. Painting is turning out to be the safest place in the world for me right now, and I am fully pressing into this moment in my life.

I think what I’ve realized is that a window of opportunity has opened up for me in life, maybe one that always has been slightly cracked until now. I have a window to really push the dream through and make it a reality - the dream of being a world-renown artist. The dream of making meaningful art for the world to see, enjoy and ultimately moved by. For me, I’m looking at my solo show as my entry way into the world. I have such a feeling about it, that it’s going to really start my career and the next chapter of my life. It’s going to be my passport to the a new experience and a new perspective on this journey we call life.

The next month is going to be quite challenging. I have a lot to do and each moment of each day matters. I am now living with a subtle pressure that doesn’t ever turn off. One that bites at me when I wake up to get going and one that delays me from putting down the brush. I am creating with a sense of urgency right now… putting the phone away, getting off the internet, getting quiet with myself. Jumping fully into the process without distractions. I want each paint stroke and each small hard decision that goes into this experience to be felt by yall. I want everyone to be inspired and encouraged in their creativity, to receive the energy that is put forth.

I don’t have much more that I can say today other than I’m at work. And I am proud of myself for showing up to the weekly blog <3.

October 14, 2022. 333 Peters St. Station. See you there!

Forgiving yourself

It’s the weekly blog. To be honest I had no energy for a recap blog this week. I’m very tired, and it’s been a challenging time, I’m just waiting for these ramen noodles to “cook.”

I been doing a lot of work, not just in art but in my own life. Pausing to check in with myself, being honest, and being willing to make hard decisions for my own future. Man, it’s hard work. Changing patterns, observing your own life, and being objective with yourself is proving to me an incredibly difficult and elusive task. It’s hard to grasp…

One thing I’ve been thinking about recently is the power of developing some sort of vision - it can be very specific, or it can be vague. It could be about how you want your life to look, or what kind of work you want to do, or what kind of person you want to be. Many aspect of our lives can be envisioned, the challenging part is doing the work to understand those parts of yourself, which often can be masked by the distractions and the influences of the superficial worlds in which we live. What I’m finding in my own life is that finding somewhat of a vision, or something to aim help, has helped me contextualize the challenges in my life as another part of the journey. I am now interpreting resistance in my life as an opportunity to stop, learn and ultimately evolve from that point on, realizing more and more how small I am amidst the bigger context of all the world.

I’ve wondered why it is so challenging to not take things personally in life, and how clouded my mind and spirit become when I get into those conversations in my head. I’ve been spending days and days pondering this. Why is it so hard to move on from rejection? Why is it so hard to move past feeling misunderstood, or not enough? Why does it feel sometimes that I am trapped in my emotions, unable to find a reason… leading to the frustrated response of blame. I reflected on how i speak to me myself, and where that voice even came from.

and through all this I realized a key component that I felt like I have missing my whole life…One grace that I have failed to extend myself. A big silent conversation that I’ve always wanted to have but never had the faith or esteem to have. And it’s simply that I haven’t ever forgiven myself for being me and having the experiences I’ve had in life. I’ve never given myself the chance to just be another one out of a billion, unknowing of really how to move or interact with this often confusing world. I realized I had never stopped intentionally to view myself as a work in progress, and had always held this deep expectation of myself to be perfect.

It’s the beginning of a new way of thinking for me, it’s very uncomfortable and awkward. I’ve been more open recently to the idea of pausing to observe my shadow - to see how it moves and what it has to teach me. I’m seeing now that the shadow that was kept in the dark was the shadow that was unseen, and by only turning on the light was I able to see him. But, forgiveness has been the key. Each day I try to remind myself, “I forgive you, and I am here to work with you and not against you.” And the other half of me is learning to trust it.

As I work on my inner dialogue, I find myself able to see myself clearer. As I extend grace to myself, I no longer have to protect that person from the truth, because in those moments, event just for a moment, I know somehow that I am loved. I’m learning to protect this light at all costs, cause in this place everything, especially your challenges, can be given a context and purpose.

“I forgive you.”

have you said it to yourself today?

Trust more

So I’m sitting here in Atlantic station about to watch a movie. I been thinking about the color schemes I wanna use in the show, and I movement trying to find references for the explorer schemes. I had a realization just now that I already had seen the colors in my head (from experiences in life) and I felt a voice that assured me k could Trust my instinct. I closed the google and realized that the color schemes already exist in my imagination, and therefore they exist in real life (and will physically soon).


I’ve always viewed trust as something we extend to the world or other people but never thought about whether or not i trust myself. Doubt is such a powerful force in our lives and lately I’ve been wondering why doubt exists.

I think I’m learning to trust myself, understanding and accepting that I’m on the right path. Art is the exercise. It’s all decision making and building a relationship with myself and trusting that person to lead me in the right direction.

I was frustrated at a painting today but I stopped to reflect and be proud of myself for even showing up at all. It’s serious but not that serious sometimes.

Som real

So I was nominated in a magazine called jezebel for “Atlantas most eligible bachelors of 2022.” Tonight they threw a party for everyone in buckhead.

I cannot help but feel like a child inside, even still On the search for something more. Even here, at an upscale buckhead rooftop bar with feee drinks surrounded by beautiful people… it still is missing. I don’t know what about my life will not let me feel satisfied now, but I can only view it as the call to something higher and deeper within myself. My dissatisfaction only shows me the possibilities of what is out there and what is in me - something far beyond the surface.

Things I always dreamed of deep in my heart seem to be coming true almost daily… yet what they’ve always said is true. Something is still missing

08/02/2022 2:23am

5 Tips for the creatives

5 tips and ideas for my creatives out there in no particular order. These are some philosophies that apply in my own life that help keep the ball rolling. I know for a lot of artists the hardest part is turning abstract ideas such as art and dreams into practical day to day realities. Hopefully these can encourage you to keep creating and to help you find some solutions for your own creative process

  1. Creative Deadlines: I try to give myself a deadline for every idea that I want to become reality, and I do it publicly. Most of the times when I announce to the world I’m going to do something whether it be via the blog, Instagram, or just in person… what I’m actually doing is setting a deadline for myself. It’s one thing to say something and not do it when it’s just a thought in your head, but when you speak it into the world the accountability goes to a new level. So when y’all see “painting coming Friday” or “new blog post this week” I’m holding myself accountable by creating my own deadlines and creating that expectation in the world. Start saying “yes” before you feel ready because if you’re waiting to feel ready you will be waiting for a long time.

  2. Commit To Finish: what I’m learning currently is the importance of finishing work and pushing through all the phases of emotion and doubt that is intrinsic in the creative process. for me, EVERY piece has a moment where I’m thinking “I should just stop now, it’s not turning out like I wanted it to…” and I’ve started asking myself, “well how do you really know that if you haven’t finished it?” I found a whole new meaning to trusting the process. What if the feeling of failure you feel at the onset of your creative endeavors is not inadequacy but the fact that the process is yielding something DIFFERENT (not worse) than you imagined in your head? The most important discoveries in art to me come right after the decision to see a foreign idea through… that’s how you discover new styles.

  3. Take Risks: There is no way around this. If you think about it… every innovation is a result of risk. Risk it all, many of the things holding you back from taking the risks you dream turn out to be of little consequence later. Without taking risks you will always exists within that you already know and you may wonder why you are feeling stuck and uninspired. Have you rolled the dice today?

  4. Be consistent: My mentor Miya said it best: McDonalds is not good, but it’s really consistent. In the artists’ psyche you may be tempted to believe you’re not good enough… but try not to get it confused with not being consistent enough. Create a system, commit to the craft and I promise the skill set and proficiency will follow. Everything will grow - the opportunities, the skills, the money…just stay with it. For me, I decided to start making art every day starting in the middle of December 2021. It’s really really tedious at first and you have the push trough a mountain of resistance… but after a while it has become just a part of my life just like breathing. My goal was to be able to freehand Asian motifs from my mind without a reference, and after these first 6 months I can already see the skill developing. I can no freehand koi fish, dragons, peonies and Chrysanthemums without looking at pictures ( a skill that didn’t exist 6 months ago).

  5. Break down large goals into tasks you can manage daily. Often the size of your dream can leave you paralyzed in your tracks. You see where you want to be but the amount of options and paths become overwhelming and choosing a direction feels impossible. This is where most people begin to think their goal is impossible. What I’ve been doing is breaking down large goals into small tasks and small goals that I can accomplish daily or weekly. You have to think of it like a house. You can’t build a house in one day but you can lay a few bricks for the house in one day. Drywall another. Electrical. Plumbing. Same principle. Just yesterday I designed and ordered my flyer for my solo show. Just one simple task. But it’s another step towards my goal and another brick… Don’t quit on your dream just cause it feels there is too much to do. Take a deep breath, take some time to plan it out. MOST large concepts can be broken down into small, very doable and very manageable ideas. Maybe what’s lacking in your process is not the resources or the skill set but the ability to manage tasks and time in a way that is efficient and inspiring to you. DO NOT QUIT on your big idea please, it may be one of the most important things you ever do. And hey, if you quit, the world doesn’t get to enjoy it. We need it!

Anyways, I hope any of this was helpful. Keep creating y’all!

always try to finish

finished this dragon tonight. Well almost, I want to carve out something more things to make it really pop. I’m feeling happy about how everything is coming out, still trying to do new things with each painting to discover what works and doesn’t work. The unfair part of the creative process is you can’t apply lessons in real time, you have to learn them through experience. I feel like every piece will have “mistakes” until you redefine what “mistakes” really are. Is it an idea that only exists within your own head?


Just realized that this is the first 4th of July Of my life where I’ve wondered what it is we are celebrating exactly…